To change your payment method, you must complete the cancellation process with your currently registered payment method. You will then be able to complete the process by selecting a new payment method.
After canceling, please confirm that you have changed to the Free plan, then complete registration again.
[CL Premium Cancellation Process]
Please review the cancellation process here.
[Payment Method Registration Process]
Please review the registration process here.
Please note that the payment methods which can be registered are different for the web page and the app.
*You can register with a different payment method after changing to the Free plan.
*You will change to the Free plan after the next end date.
*If you register a payment method within 30 days of the next end date (the final day of the subscription), your rank information will be carried over.
Additionally, customers who are within the grace period will change to the Free plan after the grace period end date.
*Please note that the grace period is not included for the final day of the subscription.
Furthermore, if you wish to make the following changes, you may do so without completing the cancellation process.
- Customers using iTunes Store (App Store) payment
If you wish to change the payment method registered for your Apple ID, please review the Apple support page below.
If you need to change or update your Apple ID payment method
- Customers using Google Play payment
If you wish to change the payment method registered for your Google account, please review the Google support page below.
How to add, delete, or edit a Google Play payment method
- Customers using credit card payment
If you wish to change to a different credit card, please review the help page below.
I want to change my credit card